Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"Sure Shot" Sid's Gunpowder Seasoning

Who says you have to have a grill, charcoal and a hot flame to get that wonderful charcoal flavor?

On a scale of 1 - 10 I give this product a 10!

I have to tell you about another great product from J M Exotic Foods, Inc.  This time product is called "Sure Shot" Sid's Gunpowder Seasoning - Charcoal Smoky Flavor and believe me, it lives up to it's name.  It actually does look like gunpowder and tastes like "charbroil."  You will be hearing a lot more about this seasoning in the next few days. 

Today I used my indoor, steam grill to make hamburgers.  I used a pound of 80% ground beef (more flavor than the leaner grade).  I added 2 tsp. of Gunpowder Seasoning and grilled away.  Boy were they good.  If someone else had cooked and served them to me, I would have sworn they were cooked on a good old fashion grill.  The only thing missing were the grill marks.

Next I'm cooking steaks on my indoor dry heat grill.  I'll let you know how they turn out.

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